Saturday, September 7, 2019

BUSCOM wk2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BUSCOM wk2 - Essay Example Most importantly, in a highly diverse society in the current era of rapid globalization and advancing technology, effective communication becomes the major enabling element of promoting cross cultural understanding and resolving conflicts amicably. Hence, within the wider scope of human interaction, the various modes of verbal and non-verbal communication facilitate development of mutually beneficial bonds. The demonstrative or non-verbal communication especially, becomes highly pertinent as it can create misunderstanding or resolve differences between two people to forge long lasting association. The non-verbal formats of communication are very important elements that send critical message to speaker as well as to the listener. Sender and receiver both are keys to demonstrative communication. These messages are sent through body language vis-a-vis gestures, behavior, tone of voice that is used in conversation, physical appearance and dress code etc. They are important elements to di sseminate essential information like sincerity, consciousness, confidence and integrity of the individuals (Guirdham, 2002). Facial expressions strongly send messages of personal emotions. They reflect positive or negative sentiments of the sender or receiver when messages are sent or acknowledged. Different meanings are attached to myriad facial expressions. A smile shows happy demeanor while grimace shows distaste. These can also carry different message to different cultures. Negative expressions tend to spoil relations and create animosity. Grin is another facial expression with ambiguous message that may convey happy state, interest or even reflect arrogance. But mostly, smile expresses positive feeling as a result of finding something funny in the communicated message. It is therefore construed as positive communication. I try not to grimace even when something does not please me as it might adversely impact social or professional relationship. Indeed, facial expressions are cr itical factors that carry often carry different messages in different cultures. In Arabic culture, too much smiling reflects shallowness. Body language is vital means of expressing moods and attitude of individuals. Slouched posture or fidgeting often indicates discomfort while upright position shows confidence. Eye contact reveals that person would be honest in his communication and indicates confidence on his knowledge of the subject which he/she believes can be clearly communicated. On the other hand, if an individual is either looking down or focusing elsewhere, he is either lacking in confidence or he has not been honest. As such, his verbal communication would be less effective and would not promote trust. Listening intently is also very crucial aspect of no-verbal communication that helps develop mutual trust and confidence. In professional arena, it serves as important tool for reassuring colleagues and team mates or subordinates that their view points are being listened to. In an office, listening intently to the problems of others helps to sort it out early and facilitates in creating an environment of shared learning and mutual respect. Another very significant format of demonstrative communication is the tone of the voice while exchanging messages or information. The tone of the individual is powerful tool that is able to send strong positive or negative emotions. When one is

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